Sunday, November 30, 2008

first post real quick

i set this up a while ago but am just getting to it new mom friends have given me some encouragement with their wonderful bloggin endeavors :)

dh is upstairs in bed, i'm in the basement while Ed sleeps on the couch...i really don't want to wake him up before he does on his own. sleep lately has been all over the place, not sure if he's going through his 3mos growth spurt but that's what i'm calling it :)

i like smilies, if you follow this you'll find that out pretty fast :D

anyways, i have lots to say but the most exciting news today is that i got an Ergo from kijiji today, i was thrilled, i've been up in the air over an Ergo or a Beco and actually being able to get to one online before it gets scooped up. i had Ed in it several times today, unfortunately he's still too small and doesn't like his legs in the splits position as i read about on the ErgoLady website...that makes me feel better about him not liking the mei tai i made, but i did get him forward facing (kangaroo style) and have a bunch of new leg positions to try tomorrow

umm....when is he going to wake up...i know, just in time for daddy to start snoring so we can't get back to sleep :)