I fell in love with babywearing before I even got pregnant. I'm such a nerd by the time Ed arrived I had made my own ring sling, pouch, mei tai and wrap. I've used them all but in all honestly the ones that have gotten the most use are the pouch and wrap. I ended up borrowing a stretchy wrap (like a
moby) from a girlfriend and used it for several months exclusively but the messy winter weather puts a hamper on tying those tails, not to mention I was having to re-adjust it more often as Ed has gotten heavier. The pouch was great while he was newborn as it was quick and easy, but he hasn't been cradled in there forever...we've moved onto the
hip and sometimes the
kangaroo carry. The wrap is good too, nice and comfy and the one I made does not stretch so Ed does not end up near my knees but it's still winter so it's restricted to the house.
I like the mei tai but it still has those long straps and it's still winter, I wanted something faster and easier for DH to deal with so I decided I wanted a soft structured carrier, which has buckles instead of knots. It was a really hard decision between an Ergo and a Beco but in the end I was able to get a cheaper secondhand Ergo from Kijiji. I totally stole an idea from
The Baby Wearer and pimped Ed's Ergo...apparently we now have a Pergo :)

Using the stolen idea, I got a snap tool and made an interchangeable panel for over the pocket. I then removed the hood and made it interchangeable as well. The best thing is that a fat quarter is exactly enough for the panel and hood so by the end of this adventure I'm sure I'll have quite a stash of different designs.

Action shots to come :)
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