I also took the time to sign up for ebilling with the remaining companies I hadn't bothered with before. Surprisingly, Superior Propane is only utility that doesn't provide any sort of online capability.
I still have to look through the insurance and auto papers. Then I'll just have to send off the garbage with DH so he can shred it all. With regards to the desks, I've done a cursory sweep of the desks but there is still quite a bit left to do and it's really not as easy to do this as before Ed came along.
I love that in the 'before' picture there's a pair of butternut squash on your desk. Was that before baby food exchange? :)
I'm trying to decide whether to get an Ergo or Baby Hawk. What do you think?
hehe, not "before" but for the exchange, those are left over from when I bought too much, lol! planning on a soup or something at some point but apparently it lasts about 3mos so I have a bit of time :)
We talked about the carrier today, I vote for Ergo mainly if you want quick and easy and Emil to want to wear it :)
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