I can't believe it's been a month since I blogged last, it seems like forever ago.
Ed is 5mos now...that is totally insane! I was finally getting back into the swing of things after going away for the holidays when he goes and gets his first cold ever...he was still a fairly happy baby throughout it and luckily never got bad enough that he ever had trouble nursing. The issue is that I had a really full week of activities planned and the weather wasn't that bad, but once he got sick we couldn't playdate or visit other babies so we ended up inside the entire time.
I did do up a meal plan for the first time in a long time and cooked like crazy that week, even a lemon loaf...that I ate all by myself in two days!!! LOL! I had decided to do some decluttering and went through almost 3years of WISH and Chatelaine magazines...ripping out all the recipes that looked good and articles I liked or hadn't read (or don't remember reading). I picked out a week full of meals and made some things I'll definitely make again and others that just looked good but didn't taste as nice. I used leek and savory cabbage for the first time, made a Moroccan braised chicken dish with raisins and apricots and found a faster and better way to make cabbage rolls--which I love so much!
My computer still isn't fixed, I think my mobo is fried and I'm trying to get a cheap second hand one but it's so old they are few and far between. I haven't even been sucessful in getting the other computer to read the old hard drive and IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS not having the stuff on that disk :( and having to go to the basement for computing.
I'm hitting up my local moms' baby food exchange party tomorrow, for my contribution I made organic butternut squash puree. I'd never even bought a squash before, except for Halloween pumpkins for carving. I bought way too much squash...which I believe was probably an issue with my metric to imperial (and vice versa) conversion; I have 2 huge squash left over, luckily they last for up to 3mos--maybe I'll try some soup. I was using my Super Baby Food book to help me prepare it and it was so easy...the most time consuming part was straining all the puree through the only sieve I have which is practically the diameter of a soup can. I'm super excited to get the stash of assorted solids from the other moms, which will include prunes, carrots, apples/pears, sweet potato & cinnamon, banana & quinoa puree, and banana peach oatmeal.