Day 7: March 12, 2009 - Ed was getting better but we skipped out on Mother Goose anyways, don't want to risk getting other little ones ill.
Day 8: March 13, 2009 - We were feeling much much better, went to Dufferin mall with some cool Junction Moms, Ed fell asleep in the car on the way home and I only had like 2hrs before his second doc appointment so we headed over to Cloverdale mall, I fed and changed his bum, we strolled around Kitchen Stuff Plus and then got back on the road to St. Joe's. So crazy because the nurse gave him his shots, but instead of nursing him she wanted me to hold him facing her with his feet between my knees and holding his arms by his side...I was nervous but she was finished before Ed or I even noticed and he barely flinched. We picked up Daddy afterwards and headed to Subway for supper :)
Day 9: March 14, 2009 - We didn't do much, the weather was gorgeous. I did head out and picked up Ed's next car seat, Safety 1st True Fit. It seemed to get good reviews on (comparable to Britax Marathon) and it was on sale at Zellers. Thanks RFD.
Day 10: March 15, 2009 - Playdate with Junction Moms while Dad cleaned up dog poo and maple keys outside. Made homemade rice cereal for Ed, he wasn't too fond until I added pears. We took his socks off because it made him look like a little hillbilly :) He was really enjoying playing with the spoon more than the food and yes I usually strap him in :P
Day 11: March 16, 2009 - Sarah was supposed to come out to Earl Bales park with us for a urban hike with the Urban Hike Group :P but she was :( Ed and I went after getting lost because I didn't realize there isn't a Bathurst St exit while going east on the 401, ah duh?!?! It was a beautiful day and I met some more nice moms :)